Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dear "Nonny": Let me explain how commenting works here.

Once again, it appears that I have to explain -- slowly and carefully -- one of my basic rules for commenting at this site.

I don't mind commenters who disagree with me -- that's why I have a comments section that is wide open and unmoderated. I do, however, draw the line at commenters who feel the need to take exception with almost every single thing I post. That's not being constructive or informative -- it's just being contrarian and trollish, and I run out of patience with that sort of behaviour in short order.

If you have that much to say, my advice is always the same: Get your own blog. It's easy, it's free, and you can whinge on and on to your heart's content. And, lo and behold, Nonny does indeed have his own blog which, amusingly, contains all of two posts -- a small fraction of the number of comments he's already left here.

So, Nonny, it's been fun, but it's time for you to go home. Your mother's calling, and she wants you to start putting some effort into that blog of yours, and stop filling up my comments section with right-wing doofitude. And if my readers really want to know what you think, they know where to find you.

Does that work for you? Because it sure as hell works for me.


  1. "I don't mind commenters who disagree with me -- that's why I have a comments section that is wide open and unmoderated. I do, however, draw the line at commenters who feel the need to take exception with almost every single thing I post."

    EVERY single thing? Really? Are you sure?

    But thanks again for the post.

  2. Jesus Christ, Nonny, what part of the qualifier "almost" gave you such trouble?

    Retards, every one of them. Without exception. Truly amazing.

  3. If I recall, Nonny acquired both his blog and his handle after the regulars here chastized him for commenting ad nauseaum as anonymous in a thread a while back. Like so many on the right, he's doesn't really have much to say on his own. He's a reactionary who is for anything, just against everything the talking points tell him to be against.
    We have our own share of liberal reactionaries, but they don't clog the threads with with deliberate misunderstanding and wilful misinterpretation of everything that gets said here.
