Thursday, June 28, 2007

Apparently, Google can still be intimidating.

And over at "Dust My Broom," Blogging Tory Darcey ponders deep thoughts:

The CBC is using the Facebook platform for an informal poll where Canadians are invited to post their hope for the future. The current top wishes from the Great Canadian Wish List:

1. Abolish Abortion in Canada ...

Just a silly poll but what if Canadians actually do want limits on abortions, ...

An excellent question, which might inspire someone who actually cares about the answer to go hunting for it. Oh, look (emphasis tail-waggingly added):

  • In a poll conducted by the National Post in November 2002, 78% of respondents answered "yes" to the question: "Should women have complete freedom on their decision to have an abortion?"...

  • In a Gallup Canada poll taken April 2005, 52% of respondents say they would like to see Canadian abortion laws "remain the same," 20% say they would like the laws to be "less strict," while 24% say they would like the laws to be "more strict."

Tune in next week when Darcey muses out loud, "I wonder if there's really any evidence for that evolution stuff. If only there was somewhere I could go to find out."

YOU KEEP USING THAT WORD "POLL" ... Perhaps the funniest atrocity regarding that post at Darcey's is the incessant (and is there any other wingnut kind?) whining about how us leftists refuse to accept the results of "polls" with which we disagree, as if a publicly-freeped survey with no quality controls on it whatsoever constituted a valid "poll."

Using the same logic, I've gone back through a number of my previous blog posts, tallied the comments and found out that I am, in fact, correct 96.5 per cent of the time, based on a thoroughly-contrived statistical analysis of my commenters, most of whom appear to agree with me.

OK, maybe there's something to this "poll" stuff after all. And if I say so, it must be true since, apparently, I'm hardly ever wrong.


  1. Just a silly poll but what if Canadians actually do want limits on abortions...

    Then I guess those Canadians will either not have an abortion or not have one after the first trimester or so.

  2. just a silly poll, but what if canadians actually do want abortions?
    Wont make any diff to wingnuts, they only go by polls when if they support wingnut ideas. If polls support wingnut ideas, they are then not silly.

  3. I stand with egg on my face, should read first. Of course I assumed this was a random poll and Darcy was playing 'what if'.

  4. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I'm beginning to think that there's a sizable religious dumbfuck population on Facebook flooding this Great Canadian Wish thing.

    Top Wishes
    1. Abolish Abortion - 8787 members
    2. Canada should remain pro-choice - 7186
    3. A spiritual revival in Canada - 4170
    4. Restore the traditional definition of marriage - 4089
    5. Tuition fees lowered or eliminated - 3019
    6. Drastic measures to save the environment - 2997
    7. Canada should keep abortions AND gay marriage legal - 1902

    Geeez...maybe there was some kinda get-out-the-vote campaign by the rightwing echo chamber?

  5. Actually, the dumbfucks are in the CBC...for even thinking this stupid exercise would result in anything meaningful.

  6. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Poor thai-guy... needs to understand that just because he thinks it's cool for him to have sex with 14 year old boys, doesn't mean that the rest of the country approves...

  7. Notcycles, your fantasies are not all that universally shared.

    Get help, Richard.

  8. Anonymous9:31 PM

    notcycles: That is a vile thing to say. What kind of a person are you? Your comments beg the question: If you project it on others, is that what you are?

  9. Hmm seems like there's a rash of attempted character attacks lately.

    All extremely poorly done.

  10. As for the CBC wishlist thing, it was definitely freeped, so it means nothing.

  11. Is Richard Evans still flogging that pedophile thing-a-majig? How does his wife stand him?

    Richard...c'mon on. Knock it off. You have kids to think about and all this stuff is immortalised on the Web.

    Seek help.

  12. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Just twisting the knife a little...

    Hey Thai-guy! You still in favor of the current law where a 29 year old man can legally have sex with a 14 year old boy or do you think the age of consent should be raised?

    Hey CC and Pal; How'd that whole boycott thing work out?

  13. Notcycles: "You still in favor of the current law where a 29 year old man can legally have sex with a 14 year old boy or do you think the age of consent should be raised?"

    Richard, your preoccupation with this subject is odd. I don't spend that much time thinking about the 14-and-under set myself. If I were to, I don't expect that my attention would be so fixed as yours on the same-sex case. To be fair, I have not walked a mile in your shoes, so I suppose I can't say for certain where my obsession would lie.

  14. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Richard, your preoccupation with this subject is odd. I don't spend that much time thinking about the 14-and-under set myself.

    Well, you obviously don't have children. You see, when you're a parent, your primary desire is to see them grow up free of fear. That means identifying and eliminating potential predators. The last time I checked, thai-guy was in favor of the current law that allows 29 year old men to have sex with 14 year old boys. In my mind, that makes him a potential predator.

    If I were to, I don't expect that my attention would be so fixed as yours on the same-sex case.

    shhhhh... thai-guy's touchy about the whole sexual orientation thing...
