Sunday, April 22, 2007

Dragged kicking and screaming into the Middle Ages ...

Well, that's progress of a sort:

Catholic Church buries limbo after centuries
New document calls teaching an ‘unduly restrictive view of salvation’

The Roman Catholic Church has effectively buried the concept of limbo, the place where centuries of tradition and teaching held that babies who die without baptism went.

Yes, it's good news when those in power make a momentous decision about a totally hypothetical place for which there is absolutely no evidence and which none of them have ever seen.

On the other hand, they're still not sure about that biological evolution stuff ...


  1. Actually, the Catholic Church supports biological evolution (while framing it within divine creation), so it's not that delusional.

    It was only a matter of time before ether got re-zoned to eliminate Limbo. In another 300 years, they might actually permit birth control.

    I can hardly wait.

  2. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Damn it! Without limbo, where the hell are agnostics supposed to go when they die?

    Uh, oh, I hope I didn't just answer my own question...

  3. "Without limbo, where the hell are agnostics supposed to go when they die?"

    We'll be enjoying Lite Jazz styling of Mr. Kenny G and swilling warm Coors light draft in the Ann Coulter Lounge

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    So we are going to hell, then. Thanks a lot, rev...

  5. i thought the limbo was a caribbean thing.
