Saturday, March 17, 2007

I swear, I'm getting dumber by osmosis.

I'm beginning to believe that, the more I read the right-wing Retard-o-sphere, the stupider I get. It's just sucking the smart out of me.

Consider, if you will, this recent gem from Small Dead Brain Cells:

Well, of course. Ignore the massive coverup orchestrated by the White House for the last many months. It was her husband who blew her cover. (Keep in mind, of course, that these are the same people who were absolutely adamant that Saddam was behind 9/11, Saddam was in league with Al-Qaeda, Saddam had WMDs, Saddam was trying to get yellowcake from Niger, the invasion would be a piece of cake, American troops would be greeted as liberators, the reconstruction of Iraq would be self-financing, democracy would flower throughout the Middle East ... yeah, no credibility problem there.)

But it's the comments section of that post that provides such pants-pissing hilarity:

And ... let's go to the videotape.


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Don't worry about it, Cyndy, I'm sure all the smart was sucked out of you a long time ago.

  2. Driftglass has a version the wankers might be able to better understand.

  3. Dave:

    You gave a link to DG's spamcatcher. Here's the real link. Thanks.

  4. Anonymous3:04 AM

    "I'm beginning to believe that, the more I read the right-wing Retard-o-sphere, the stupider I get."

    It's called "starting to realize exactly how stupid these leftist beliefs of mine are."

  5. Thanks, Jinx, I'll keep that in mind.

  6. It's called "starting to realize exactly how stupid these leftist beliefs of mine are."

    This would be a case in point. For me to understand exactly what poor reason, illogic and blatant dishonesty brought forth this wildly ridiculous assertion, I'd have to descend into the bleak and parched recesses of the wingnut mind.

    ...and I'd end up dumber for it, I'm sure. Or, at least, intellectually tainted...

  7. Anonymous3:16 PM

    It's called "starting to realize exactly how stupid these leftist beliefs of mine are."

    Oh my, yes. Let's all Stepford it up and think, act and be just like Jinx. Turn your brains over to the fundiesphere. Fuck yeah.
