Monday, February 19, 2007

Accountability and transparency, sure. Loyalty? Not so much.

Courtesy of Dave from TGB in the comments section back here, we are reminded of the ongoing saga of CPoC MP Jeff Watson (emphasis tail-waggingly added):

A bitter rift among local Conservatives who battled for 46 years to capture the Essex riding has led to a drive to oust MP Jeff Watson.

Two party members say they want to challenge Watson at a nomination meeting prior to the next election.

The protracted dispute that has brought the potential challengers forward became public when one of Watson's former campaign volunteers, Nick Kouvalis, was charged and recently acquitted of threatening to kill the MP.

Don't you miss when the Conservatives just settled for calling people "whores?" And that was at least someone from a different party.

Yeah, those were the good old days.

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