Saturday, December 02, 2006

Yeah, I'm sure THIS surprises you.

Leaving a trail of slime wherever they go ...


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Gee, do the Reform-a-tories ever stop lying?

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Wow... haven't they learned a cardinal rule in "dirty tricks of politics" -- if you engage in them.. don't brag about it afterwords.. because it makes you look like a bunch of "dirty tricksters"? DOH!

  3. Well I guess this means anything goes in the next federal election.

    I have heard from CPoP insiders that Stephen Harper enjoys blowing goats every friday night.

  4. Anonymous8:17 PM

    At the rate the CPoC government is going, they are leaving enough ammunition for their opponents to use next election - perhaps more than the Liberals did after 12 years in power.

  5. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Yay! Soon the Harpercrits can beak off from the Opposition bench again, howling and complaining and raising a tempest, signifying nothing.
    Canada is back!
    The Cons better brush up on their rhetoric about 12 years and doing nothing... looks like they'll be doing a lot more whingeing from the peanut gallery.
    Silver lining: Harper shall point to his success in: TaDa!!! ________________ fill in the blank.
    What will the Cons push as their #1 Success to be touted in the Spring 2007 election?

  6. I think they were hoping for Iggy, with plans to launch petty jingoistic attack ads during the next campaign. They would have attacked Rae as a commie and Kennedy as too green. Dion was the best choice, I think.

  7. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Crabgrass - good points. I was thinking of it from a branding perspective, myself: Ignatieff, treated as a branding problem, seemed to be too difficult to differentiate, in a clear and compelling way, from Harper. (Hadn't thought of the jingoistic attack angle, but yeah, they would.)

    Kennedy, Rae and Dion would be easy to differentiate from Harper, Dion, I think, most of all, especially on the environment. Plus he's clearly a man of honesty and integrity, whereas with Harper you have to look pretty hard in a strong light to find even shreds of those qualities.

    Dion reminds me a bit of Lester Pearson: the guise of an unassuming rabbit concealing a flint-steel core. Damned good choice.
