Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Civility in discourse -- who would have guessed?

First things first -- all readers are now welcome to weigh in on the inaugural CC wanker challenge here. Now that we've had a couple responses from the loyal opposition, everyone's welcome to play.

But what's more interesting is a real rarity in the Canadian blogosphere -- civility. Over here, Robert makes a post, Canada's lone remaining thoughtful conservative Olaf asks an appropriate question, and Ti-Guy politely provides the answer. This is an ugly trend. If it keeps up, I may have to stop referring to Steve Janke as a "dumbass."

Psyche! Just kidding on that last part. Steve will always be a dumbass.


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    It won't last if I start seeing a new cycle of rightwingers parroting stupid rightwing talking points. I really believe now is the time for wingnuts to tone it down and start talking about their pets or something.

    It'd be nice if we saw more recanting, but I never expect that from rightwingers.

  2. Hey, Olaf's crack about jogging pants was amusing. Does this mean that, contrary to all past evidence, right wingers are capable of humour?

    Alternatively, perhaps Olaf is (slowly) morphing into a progressive thinker.

  3. simon asks:

    "Does this mean that, contrary to all past evidence, right wingers are capable of humour?"

    All of the evidence would suggest otherwise. But we can always dream.
