Friday, October 20, 2006

"Put down the Viagra, and move away from the missus. Slowly."

Kate McMillan draws our attention to a potentially disturbing trend in European demographics:

In a new and fascinating essay in Prospect Magazine called, “Breeding for God,” British political scientist Eric Kaufmann argues that demographic trends really are pushing secular Europe in a more religious and conservative direction. Even more than conversion, says Kaufmann, it was Christian fertility that delivered pagan Europe into the hands of Christianity. And now, says Kaufmann, Christian conquest by fertility is set to happen again.

Um, right. And closer to home, we have devout Christians Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar who seem hell-bent on populating an Arkansas metropolitan area all by themselves.

Folks ... when God recommended that you "go forth and multiply," I don't think he said anything about exponentially.


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Even more than conversion, says Kaufmann, it was Christian fertility that delivered pagan Europe into the hands of Christianity.

    Erm - do I need to point out that at the time, Churches could make themselve very relevant to peoples' lives? Today ... not so much.

  2. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Ya had to know that his name would be Jim Bob.

  3. Not only that but spiritual inclination is NOT genetic.

    Also, they're locking themselves into wage slavery. Who has to feed and clothe and educate those poor kids? The parents of course.

    Which means that the church is the only way for the parents to have a social life. Just the way the church wants it.

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    While I find the 16 kids disturbing by itself, I'm really creeped out they all have first names begining with J (as in Jim Bob, of course). I note that none (as in 0) have a first name beginning with M (as in Michelle).

  5. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Actually, I think it was very deliberately meant to breed their numbers up exponentially. Not necessarily for Christianity, although religions lead the "women as baby factories" option to strengthen the 'cause'.

    As for spiritual inclination not being genetic....what's that got to do with it?

    Psychological conditioning and lack of exposure to opposing ideas is what it's all about. Get 'em young and raise 'em rigid.

  6. "it was Christian fertility that delivered pagan Europe into the hands of Christianity"

    I think it had more to do with repression and murder of Pagans, than Christians having babies. Earlier Christianity was obsessed with celibacy rather than procreation. That's prety much why they stayed out of the marriage business until about 1100 AD.

  7. Anonymous2:27 PM

    If it's any consolation, just being raised by an evangelical so con does not guarantee the kids will be that way. My mom is very hard line evangelical, and has 12 kids, but none of the adult children (8 of us so far) are religious.

    Damn it! your verification thingamabob is drivig me loopy!

  8. Consider demographics, Kate McMillans location, and time.

    Aboriginals are outbreeding non-aboriginals by about 3 or 4 to 1. It's only a matter of about 30 years or so before people like CARRLFH (Crazy Assed Racist Redneck Loon From Hell) gets to spend her retirement years absolutley surrounded by all the Injuns that she hates so much. Maybe they will be nice to her. Somehow I doubt it.

    She'll be "depending" on them to keep her in her "depends" if ya catch my drift. Think of that scene in Driving Miss Daisy where Hoag turns out to be the only one left to take care of Ms.Daisy spooning applesauce into her senile face.

    Can't you imagine that being Kate's worst nightmare?

    Everytime I think about that fact, I whistle that tune from the Rolling stones "Time... is on our side".. (especially in Saskatchwan -- in BC it will be more like 2050 something before Aboriginals reach majority of the population if current birthrates and immigrations rates don't have dramatic changes) and I giggle like a japanese school girl whose just found 100 hello kitty dolls.

    Seriously. It's really good for a laugh. If only Kate had married and popped out a few kids to fight back against the demographic tidal wave heading in her direction.
