Thursday, September 07, 2006

Profiles in total lack of courage.

You can almost smell the bravado oozing off the page:

A few months ago, the families of Canadian soldiers based in Petawawa started wearing red on Fridays as a show of support for our troops overseas.

Tomorrow, Friday September 8th, I will be wearing red for the first time in support of our troops.

Here's a better idea -- why don't you try wearing khaki? Think about it -- it'll come to you.


  1. Good idea. I think all Conservatives should wear red to show support for the Liberals.

  2. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Man, that's pathetic.

    Pompous right-wing war monger 1
    "I'm gonna wear red stuff!"

    Pompous right-wing war monger 2
    "I'm going to put a magnet in the shape of a ribbon on my car!"

    Pompous right-wing war monger 3
    "I'm going to do BOTH!!"

    Pompous right-wing war mongers 1 & 2:

    (Impressed) "Whoaa!!!"

  3. Ok,

    Let me get this straight: If you want to support our troops publicly, the only appropriate way is to join the army?

  4. Predictably, Olaf writes:

    "Let me get this straight: If you want to support our troops publicly, the only appropriate way is to join the army?"

    Of course not. But isn't it odd that, when it comes to the myriad of ways to "support the troops," actually dragging your sorry ass down to the recruiting office and signing up seems to always be at the very bottom of your list?

    Doing the actual fighting is never an option but, by God, you're prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice and wear red for a day.

    Good for you. I'm sure the troops appreciate it.

  5. Ahem, and if one wears khaki, or blue, for a suitable length of time, well then, you can get one of them thar neato licence plates.

    That puts a red poppy out there 24/7/365.

    Personally, I prefer to wear grey on Fridays, but I carry this number for anyone who wants to become REALLY involved:

    The phone call is free, and your parking stub will be validated.

  6. But isn't it odd that, when it comes to the myriad of ways to "support the troops," actually dragging your sorry ass down to the recruiting office and signing up seems to always be at the very bottom of your list?

    This is simply asinine, I'm sorry to say (I'm actually not). Ofcourse it's not odd, it makes perfect sense. Becoming a soldier and risking your life is the ultimate support for the troops which few are willing to make, however, because someone doesn't do this does not disqualify them from showing ANY support.

    Likewise, if you show support by blogging about the Status of Women or other things you support, this is a very minor contribution, but it's something. Do you find it weird that you do not use all of your spare time or your career working at a womens shelter (I assume)? Do you find it weird that you haven't taken a vow of poverty in order to give all of your money to womens issues I assume)? Does this disqualify you from showing support for womens issues? Ofcourse not.

    Well, I'm pretty proud of that rant.
    Also, CC, I started a new blog - and would be honoured with your, likely extremely critical, presence.

  7. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Boy Olaf,

    Without you coming to their defence, the moronic war-mongers cheering on one doomed, imperialistic, deluded mission after another would certainly be having a hard time of things.

    Actually, wanting to put an end to violence against women, or child poverty, or anything sane, doesn't require that other people have to go and kill and die for your cause.

    Putting our troops in Afghanistan in an ill-thought-out attempt curry favour with bush II's America requires that you desire that other people risk the "ultimate sacrifice."

    CC's vituperation of these essentially brainless, selfish toads, is quite entertaining and invigoratin'!

    Christ. Save your energy for people who deserve it.

  8. Anonymous9:50 AM

    As a serving member, I find some of the comments here disgusting and ridiculous. The accusation that wearing red makes one a war monger is particularly baseless. Has it ever occurred to all of you that wearing red gives comfort not just to troops serving overseas but their families left behind at home? Nobody has yet said you have to support how they are deployed, thats a political decision. But try and be at least a little supportive of the sacrifices they are making.
