Monday, September 11, 2006

God loves you. YOU, however, can burn in hell, motherfucker.

Oh, my. One does gets comments:

... If you and the extremely tiny, tiny minoirity of remaining murderously hostile atheists have a problem with the 90%+ of your fellow countrymen who aren't atheist dogs then get the *fuck* out and start a little hate colony on Hans Island or something.

Now, it's bad enough to be a batshit psychotic lunatic. But when you're a batshit psychotic lunatic and wrong, well, that's just adding insult to injury. Let's go to the videotape, shall we?

The [Canadian] census also reflected that the percentage claiming no religious affiliation is 16 percent of the total population, an increase from 12 percent in the last census.

Oh, dear. It seems we godless swine are a growing demographic, doesn't it? But the bad news doesn't stop there for batshit psychotic lunatic.

According to this 2005 poll, the number of non-believers in Canada ranges somewhere between 19% and 30%, that uncertainty being based on the fact that many non-believers still insist on incorrectly describing themselves as "agnostics" rather than the more correct "atheist."

So it would appear that batshit psychotic lunatic doesn't have much of a case for referring to atheism in Canada as being an "extremely tiny, tiny minority." Oh, and his attitude sucks, too. But pointing that out is, I think, being unnecessarily cruel. So I won't.


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    What do you mean when you say many non-believers still insist on incorrectly describing themselves as "agnostics" rather than the more correct "atheist."?

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Assiduously asstarded atheist asserted: "The [Canadian] census also reflected that the percentage claiming no religious affiliation is 16 percent of the total population, an increase from 12 percent in the last census."

    You are attempting to suggest that everyone who is "unaffiliated" is an atheist. Not just agnostic, but atheist. What a silly little man you are.

    Even Steve Janke doesn't tell lies that big! See, that's the problem with you atheists; no morals whatsoever. You tell childish lies in the same way that adult humans breathe. Logically, since you have no moral base, you operate on a lower moral plane than your more enlightened bretheren. That's problematic, especially since you have such an overwhelming hatred of Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Rastafarians, Taoists, Indiginous peoples, and Christians.

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Bodhisattva, you are a lousy troll. Bring your "A" game next time.

  4. According to Stats Can for the last tow or three censuses (or is it censi?) the tow larges growing religious groups are

    1. No religion
    2. Islam.

    So you can see why the poor Xtians are upset.

  5. Can't you just feel the love god oozing from Bodhisattva? His obvious high moral fiber in his diet ensures that he more regular. As an Agnostic and/or Atheist I can only aspire to reach his level of civility and respect. This should not be difficult since it seems to be a journey that is all down hill. See you at the bottom people.
