Sunday, August 13, 2006


On the one hand, it has to be embarrassing to realize that you're too stupid to be a successful troll. On the other hand, we may still have an opening for you.


  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Yes, you'd have to be pretty foolish to try the old sock-puppet ploy:

    Although apparently not everyone has enough backbone to admit when they do it.

  2. Ah, so your devilishly clever riposte is to link to an incident that is not about me regarding comments and reviews that I did not write and plagiarism I did not commit. I feel so ... so ... upbraided.

    For the hard of thinking, that was sarcasm. It happens here frequently.

  3. Anonymous1:01 PM

    You know, you expect that kind of response from a 9 year-old, but 9 year-olds usually don't use words like "sophist."

    ...oh, righties. What to do, what to do...

  4. In the truly incompetent troll nominees, we have Jinx/Jason popping up on Pharyngula:

    The original posting - filled with Irony

    Jinx's first idiot comment

    His second idiot comment

    His third idiot comment wherein he adopts to cloak of the persecuted...

    Best followed by his "anti-PZ" blog, wherein he demonstrates that he is utterly unable to understand context when quoting

    ...any other nominees for "incompetent troll"?

  5. I posted an update. His trolling was more rampant than I realized last nite.
