Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Colour me unconvinced.

Apparently, that Rev. Pat Robertson is one kick-ass, tough motherfucker:

Pat Robertson's Age-Defying Shake

Did you know that Pat Robertson can leg-press 2000 pounds!

Cue residents of Wankerville, frantically explaining how, technically, that's not a "lie."


  1. 10 reps @ 200 lbs/rep = 2000lbs

    1 rep @ 2000 lbs/rep = bullshit

  2. Just about anybody can put tons of weight on a lying-leg press machine and lower the weight a couple of inches. It happens all the time in gyms as noobs and boobs try to impress the ladies with the amount of weight they lift.

    So the wank response will be that "well, he does push it a little".

    But I think Grog has it right. And I doubt it is a full repetition.

  3. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Ever consider that it might be a typo? No, of course you didn't.

  4. Anonymous2:27 PM

    A typo? In an advertisement? In the first line of the advertisement? In bolded letters? Right...

    Plus, what's the typo? Did he mean 200 pounds (which would be very unimpressive)? Did he mean 1000 pounds? Still incredibly unlikely (see

    So a typo doesn't work here, unless they just mashed a number pad in the hopes that

  5. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Oops, got cut off. That what a typo of sorts... the hopes that they would get the right number.

    Plus, 2000 pounds, on a leg press machine, he couldn't even do that on most machines. Look at leg press machines online for a while. They don't go that high, for the reason that no one can leg press that much.

    So, it's a lie. A bald-faced lie. Shocking, coming from the 700 club. Just shocking

  6. In the interest of being reality based, plate loading leg-press machines are only limited by the size of the bar that holds the plates. That being said, he would have to find a leg-press rated that high, and then load about nine, 50 Kg. plates per side. I have yet to see this machine. So "Trouble", the problem is that it is such an egregious typo (and by "typo" I mean "lie"). It is so far out of the realm of possibility that it should be mocked.

    Lying about the amount of weight one lifts has been a part of the circus side-show for years. Pat is just another carny looking for marks.

  7. I keep the earth from flying off into space by standing on it.

    Send me $2.95 plus GST and $8.00 for shipping and handling and I'll send you a can of my specially frozen orange juice.

  8. Throw in a picture of the bearded lady and you have yourself a deal!

  9. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I jerk off to enough strongman events to know that there's no way in this universe Pat Robertson can leg press 2000 pounds.

  10. So are you a Manusz Pudzoanow fan, or more in the Magnus Samuelsson camp?

  11. Being Canadian, I would be a Hugo Girard fan, of course. Silly boy.
