Sunday, April 23, 2006

A sad, sad little play, in two parts.

Curtain rises on a lone figure on stage ...

"He was a DEMOCRAT! A lying DEMOCRAT! Sure, he claimed he was an embarrassed Republican, but that was a lie! He LIED! He was a DEMOCRAT, and he got caught lying!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

"Well, OK, even if he was a Republican, he donated to Democrats! That's the same thing, isn't it? Isn't it? Huh?"

Fade to stupid ...


  1. What's even more sad is that this is what conservatives spend their time doing; trying to out some nobody who held up a sign at some protest.

  2. More Sad. The left having to pretend they are a conservative. (Anonymous no more, thanks again cc)

  3. Wow! I get to prove you wrong twice in two days. We already knew he was a registered Republican (or claiming to be one) in September. His behavior shows otherwise, however. I'm actually not surprised you do not understand that. I would not be surprised, however, if you berated someone for claiming to be a life-long Democrat who had donated money to President Bush's campaigns. Hypocrisy, after all, is your first, middle and last name.

  4. Classic, confused little Jinxy (I was unlucky enough to read his post before the inevitable deletion):

    "I would not be surprised, however, if you berated someone for claiming to be a life-long Democrat who had donated money to President Bush's campaigns. Hypocrisy, after all, is your first, middle and last name."

    Even if CC were to, one day, berate a life-long Democrat who had donated money to the Republicans, how on earth would that make him a hypocrite? After all, nowhere in his post did he praise the life-long Republican who donated money to the Democrats (a requirement for there to be any potential of hypocrisy in Jinx's hypothetical scenario).

    Again, the judges award 0 points to the Jinxster.

  5. Simon - I believe Jinx/Jason/whoever has simply postulated a straw man.

    Sadly, I have yet to figure out what his "point" that we are all failing to understand is - mostly because he's never stated it!!!.

    Jinx - if you are going to "prove someone wrong", it's actually useful to state why they are wrong, not simply postulate some bogus straw man.

  6. Grog, there are so many things wrong with Jinx's comment that it should probably be donated to science (imagine the irony).

    Is there such a term as "phantom straw man", or perhaps "hypothetical straw man"?

  7. So you are actually admitting that Abramoff did give money to Democrats (one way or the other). That's very open-minded of you, CC. Now if you could only convince the rest of left-wingdom...

  8. Jesus fucking Christ, Jason, just when I think you can't possibly get any stupider, you astonish me.

    Do you not even vaguely understand the concept of an analogy? Using your own logic, if one were to believe that Jack Abramoff donated money to Democrats (which, as we all know, he did not, but as I said, if one were to believe that, which you apparently do), then by your own logic, you would have to claim that he is a Democrat.

    Do you now see what sort of total bonehead you are? Bloody hell, how is it possible for someone to be that fucking dense and still remember to breathe?

    And, no, Jason, no more comments for you until we get the answer to that pending question.

  9. CC,

    As much as I love to see you bat around Jason as my cat does a half-dead vole, this latest contribution should condemn him to the scrap-heap.

  10. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Give him a break. Jason's only 9 years old, for God's sakes.
