Monday, March 20, 2006

That Jessica Simpson, she one smart lady, oh yes.

Well, not that long ago, we had Ms. North American Patriot who redefined the entire concept of shrewy bitchiness here, which is worth pointing out only because of the recent GOP fundraiser that Ms. Simpson took a pass on, described here. Some of the highlights of that little shindig (emphasis added):

But as Republicans listened to Bush slog through his familiar pep talk at a $2,500-a-head fund-raiser last Thursday night, the party faithful knew they were anything but united... Members of Congress, tired of being taken for granted by an overbearing White House, have lost faith in the president's political touch. Social Security, Katrina, Harriet Miers, ports and, of course, Iraq have destroyed the aura of invincibility that once gave Team Bush its swagger.

The stress is starting to show. Republicans are beginning to look and sound like their own caricature of the Democrats: disorganized, off message and unsure of their identity...

In one way, Bush has succeeded in uniting his own party: almost everyone is together in sniping at him...

Some candidates are happy to stand beside Bush, as long as nobody actually sees them together. Locked in a tight race for re-election, Sen. Mike DeWine chose not to accompany Bush on one trip to his home state of Ohio last month. A week later he attended a private fund-raiser with the president in Cincinnati—out of sight of photographers and reporters.

And to think Simpson missed all the fun. I'm sure she's kicking herself.


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Just a grammar note, and you can delete the comment afterwards without hurting my feelings, but "took a flyer on" means give something a try, not give something a pass, as you have used it. If you're going to correct the grammar and spelling of others...

    Oh, and it seems all the more incredible with each passing day that the Democrats could possibly not win an election against this bunch. The democrats (since Clinton left, I didn't pay too much attention before that) really are the worst organized and run political party I have ever witnessed.

  2. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Good point aweb, it is almost like the democrats do not exist. Where is the outrage at the various crimes of the Bush Administration? Where is the outrage at democracy being threatened by a bunch of bible thumping/ money/power hungry phonies? Where the hell are the democrats?
