Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Well, THAT didn't take long, did it?

Hands up, whoever didn't see this coming:

U.S. reopens abortion debate

Newly reshaped by two conservative appointees, the U.S. Supreme Court plunged into the politically charged abortion debate yesterday, announcing it would review the controversial issue of so-called partial-birth abortions.

And was there even a suitable period of mourning for womens' rights in America?

The announcement was made on Justice Alito's first day on the bench, three weeks after the U.S. Senate confirmed his nomination.


On the brighter side, Democrats in the U.S. have vowed that, if President Bush nominates another Supreme Court justice, well, by gosh, this time they're going to ask some really, really, really hard questions, before they vote for confirmation.

Really hard. They promise.


  1. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Hey Jeff, is this the kind of drivel that represents your "open mind"? Do facts enter into your mind anywhere? Didn't think so. Oh, and if you are offended, get a dog.

  2. Jeff's list of things to do (in this particular order):

    1. Get pregnant by any method (incest, rape, normal heterosexual sex).
    2. Find out the baby's going to kill you, or that its missing half a head OR deal with carrying around a child conceived in violence to remind you every single minute of how violated you were OR pushing something you never wanted that is the size of a watermelon through a hole that is the size of a teacup OR have major abdominal surgery when you never wanted it or needed it.
    3. Know what it feels like.
    4. Make judgements.

  3. Edmonton? In fact I do not live there. The staunch conservatives chased me out for having too many abortions.

    We are not at risk of aborting ourselves into non-existence. Abortion isn't the easy way out. Maybe too many abortions are occurring, however, restricting a woman's right to her own body is WRONG. I mean, where do you draw the line? So, now as soon as an egg is fertilized it is a human? How about every poor wasted sperm or unfertilized ovulated egg? Have you considered ceasing masterbation to save those billions of potential children you might have?

    Who are you to judge? How does this affect you?

    Let "God" decide who goes to hell instead of condemning people while they are still on Earth.

  4. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Jeff's attention to details highlights why he was shown the door. And do read his self-aggrandizing profile, it is a good laugh.

  5. And the net impact of abortion is a declining population? Actually, I would be more inclined to blame that on birth control, and education. Damn those kool-aid liberals letting women have control of their fertility! What actually constitutes life has not been explicity defined (by anyone sane at least). So, I call upon my fellow canadians to declare Sperm the point at which life begins and outlaw masturbation.

    Masturbation is murder.

  6. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Why stop at masturbation?

    Abstaining from sex is murder. Every unfertilized egg is a baby that starved to death. I hope you're making babies right now Jeff, otherwise you're killing our society.
