Sunday, November 20, 2005

Pajama Wankers Media really on a roll, Chinese style.

Say hello to your new paradigm for news distribution.

Holy shit! As of right this instant, of the 42 articles over at OSM under the "World" news section, a full 33 of them are from the Xinhua News Agency. Apparently, all we have here in Pajama Wankers Media is a new American affiliate of Chinese communist news. Unbelievable.

Funnier and funnier
: Again, as of right this instant, almost every story under Pajama Wankers' "United States News" section is a sports story. Apparently, nothing else is happening down south, except for Pajama Wankers ripping off everyone else's web content to report the latest scores.

And for this, they needed $3.5 mil in venture capital?

1 comment:

  1. These guys are as about as "open source" as a Soviet constitution.
