Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Are any of our politicians THIS dense?

It's only funny because it's happening elsewhere:

Florida's citrus crop contributes billions of dollars to the state's economy, so when that industry is threatened, anything that might help is considered. Back in 2001, when citrus canker was blighting the crop and threatening to reduce that vital source of revenue, an interesting—if not quite scientific—alternative was considered.

Katherine Harris, then Florida's Secretary of State—and now a member of the U.S. House of Representatives—ordered a study in which, according to an article by Jim Stratton in the Orlando Sentinel, "Researchers worked with a rabbi and a cardiologist to test ‘Celestial Drops,' promoted as a canker inhibitor because of its ‘improved fractal design,' ‘infinite levels of order,' and ‘high energy and low entropy.'"

The study determined that the product tested was, basically, water that had apparently been blessed according to the principles of Kabbalic mysticism, "chang[ing] its molecular structure and imbu[ing] it with supernatural healing powers."

Sure, it's easy to make fun of American politicians because, well, in general, they're scientific illiterates.

But how about up here? Do we have any elected representatives that are that unspeakably moronic? Yes, I know Monte Solberg is a dumb-as-dirt racist, but is he that dumb?

(Credit to DailyKos for the link.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I don't know -- maybe if Harper get into power next election, we'll see some of this happening here, too. Call it the Tinkerbell Solution, where we all just clap if we believe. After all, its easier and a lot cheaper, too, than actually doing research and all that scientific stuff.
