Wednesday, October 26, 2005

America's Dumbest Wanker™ celebrates death of Rosa Parks.

And over here, Weasel Boy is throwing a party to celebrate the passing away of civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks.

Well, sure, I realize he doesn't actually use the word "party" but we know better 'cuz, you see, like him and his Wankerville neighbours, we can read between the lines. Even if he doesn't admit it, it's obvious that the death of Rosa Parks couldn't "come fast enough" for Jinx and his racist, conservative friends, and we all "have little doubt" about what they really think and that, while Jinx might not have actually written it out, well, come on, "we already know what to expect," don't we?

Wow. Is this a great game or what -- inventing words and motivations for people you've never met to paint them in an unflattering light. How does it feel, Jinx, to be exposed as gleefully celebrating the death of an American civil rights heroine?

Oh, come on, Jinx, you're not going to tell us I'm misrepresenting your position, are you? That would be irony of the highest order, wouldn't it?

UH OH ... THERE'S MORE: Oh, look. All those fine folks over at Little Green Dumbfucks™ are also celebrating Park's demise. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure they'd argue that it's just a memorial but, again, we know better, don't we? It's always "party" time over at Wankerville Central when there's one less uppity darkie, isn't it?

And a "party" wouldn't be a "party" without Crazy-Assed Bitch™ joining in the festivities, would it? Man, this is fun. I never realized how effortless blogging could be if I simply discarded every scruple I ever had and just made shit up. I'm starting to see the appeal.

HOLY SMOKES, THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! Conservative wingnut La Shawn Barber links to a veritable menagerie of wankers, all clapping their little paws with glee that that troublemaking Parks has finally snuffed it.

Yes, I'm sure all of them would tell you that they're honouring her memory or some such rubbish, but we all know better, don't we? We recognize a "party" when we see one.

: Dr. Dawg gives this whole brouhaha the treatment it deserves. I think I just wet myself again.


  1. No, CC. Sorry. Once again your stupidity and foolishness is on display for all to see. Notice that the conservatives you are smearing had absolutely no "countdown" to Rosa Parks' death. We posted no messages about the upcoming "grim milestone" of her death. We didn't organize any gatherings of conservatives in response to her upcoming death.

    This just shows how truly desperate you are. It's pathetic, really, but not surprising.

  2. Anonymous12:10 PM

    And once again, something goes flying over Jinx's head, leaving enough room to steer a fleet of planes through.

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I'm sorry, but to my surprise, I have to side with Jinx and the other right-wingers. Not his awful response in Comments here, where he makes light of soldiers' deaths in Iraq, but in the memorial to Rosa Park's death.

    All most of them did was post a very short paragraph about it. Many referred to her as 'courageous'. None of the ones I read said anything derogatory about Parks.

    I think Rosa is one hero that is appreciated across party lines in the States - something that should be celebrated in such a politically polarized country.

  4. Anonymous11:46 PM


    I respectfully submit that you might have missed the key point in CC's missive. He wrote:

    "Wow. Is this a great game or what -- inventing words and motivations for people you've never met to paint them in an unflattering light."

    To paraphrase the blog's host, I trust that the irony is not lost on you.

  5. Yes, dave and jimdandy, I caught CC's attempt at having a point, but you obviously missed mine. See, conservatives weren't having a "countdown" mentality about Rosa Parks' death as the moonbats were in regards to the military deaths in Iraq. We weren't talking about the upcoming "grim milestone" of her death like the MSM and other liberals were about Iraq. We weren't pre-planning gatherings to mark her death as was being done for the 2000th death "in" Iraq.

    CC was comparing apples to oranges. It was desperate, pathetic, stupid and par for the course for him.

  6. America's Dumbest Wanker™ wrote:

    Yes, dave and jimdandy, I caught CC's attempt at having a point, but you obviously missed mine. See, conservatives weren't having a "countdown" mentality about Rosa Parks' death ...

    Perhaps because, oh, I don't know, no one knew when she was going to die? Could that be it?

    Jesus fucking Christ, Jinx, every time I think you've plumbed the depths of your stupidity, you lower the bar another notch.

    I'm sorely tempted to take up a collection to subsidize having your children adopted by foster parents, for their sake.

  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Thank you, jimdandy, you're right, I did mis-understand the intent of the post. I took things too literally.

    Sorry about that, CC, I guess I was a bit slow that morning.

  8. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Hi Deanna,

    Take solace in the fact that Jinx still doesn't get the joke.

    And thanks for the polite response - I was worried that my post came off as snarky.

  9. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Perhaps because, oh, I don't know, no one knew when she was going to die? Could that be it?

    roflmao!!! Like people knew when the 2000th soldier was going to die in Iraq. My gosh, you are stupid. Thanks for the great laugh.
