Saturday, July 02, 2005

I am embarrassed for my country.

Live 8: the world watches, and the best Canada can do in terms of hosts is Dan Aykroyd and the execrable Tom Green, who has just said the word "awesome" for the 3,817th time. I want to hide.


  1. Bad, yes. But I contend that the huge paper-maché head seen at the Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa was much, much worse. And considering Green's performance, that is saying something.

  2. Here's something weird.....

    Mr. Adams was actually pretty good.

    Go figure.

  3. Anonymous7:05 AM

    But I contend that the huge paper-maché head seen at the Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa was much, much worse.

    Yeah, that was... just wincing. Like something you'd expect to see on stage in an elementary school gymnasium on "Clap, for Christ's Sake, It's Your Kid" Night. What were they on for this to seem like a good idea?
