Sunday, June 05, 2005

And with Monday coming up fast ...

Your Working-Day Emotion Checklist

9:00AM pure grumpiness
9:05 caffeine jolt-o-rama
9:29 early morning stupefaction
9:45 splitting headache #1
10:04 momentary panic attack
10:31 caffeine overdose
10:37 perverted daydreams
10:42 mid-morning numbness
11:33 rebuffed flirtation with co-worker
11:35 temporary dementia

12:09 joyless lunch-eating
12:09 mirthless joke-telling
12:23 belching discontent
12:35 sudden awareness of one's shallowness

1:19 early afternoon catatonia
2:44 fooling around at the copy machine
2:59 unrealistic plans to quit this lousy job
3:09 mid-afternoon torpor
4:09 fear of getting fired
4:25 lottery fantasies
4:33 contemplating tv tonight
5:00 temporary perkiness

1 comment:

  1. Hey! You stole my life!

    Oh, wait...

    Yeah, you can have it.
