Thursday, March 24, 2005

All right, maybe sometimes ...

General Tommy Franks, US Central Command, speaking of civilians killed in the U.S. invasion of Iraq:

“We don’t do body counts.”

Yahoo News:

U.S. and Iraqi forces killed 85 militants at a suspected training camp along the marshy shores of a remote lake, one of the highest guerrilla death tolls of the two-year insurgency, officials said Wednesday.

So, apparently, they have the technology.


  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I know, I know, America sucks, and I have to live here. The Schiavo case? Just another move by republicans to distract the American people away from their hideous failures in the economy, war, and social agenda. I cannot believe Bush was voted back into office. I swear, though, there are still some sane people left here among the morons.

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    You have to? Come on,,that's just not true.

  3. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Well it kind of is, since I am only 17...
