Friday, September 29, 2023

And yet ...

... those dumbass motherfuckers in Beverly Hills will still vote for this piece of crap.


Canada's right-wing trolls who are furious -- OUTRAGED, I TELL YOU!!!!! -- about the Liberals^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H Speaker of the House accidentally and unknowingly honouring a former Nazi:

totally fine with Opposition MPs openly and knowingly consorting with an actual Nazi:

So ... there's that.

Ezra Levant CC HQ challenge: How much was matched?

While waiting for coffee, I will throw out another CC HQ challenge related to Ezra Levant's frivolous defamation action against me, and it involves his 2016 assurance that all donations to his Indiegogo Fort McMurray "Red Cross" fundraiser would be "matched" -- that is, turned over to the Red Cross by the hard deadline of May 31, 2016 in time to be matched both provincially and federally, effectively tripling the value of those donations.

Here's Ezra, on May 6, 2016, being absolutely clear that that money would be matched:

And here's a snippet of an email I personally received from an official at the Red Cross, disclosing precisely how much was turned over in time to be matched:

As you can see (and which I subsequently confirmed with a followup email), the amount of $60,921.00 that was not turned over until some time in June was not matched, and therefore not tripled in value, screwing the Red Cross out of double that amount, or $121,842.

To the best of my knowledge, Ezra Levant has never conceded publicly how much his vanity Indiegogo fundraiser cost the Red Cross, so I am interested in whether anyone can find a single example of Ezra, at any time on any social media platform, sheepishly admitting that his 2016 fundraiser deprived the Red Cross of well over $100,000.

So that's the second CC HQ challenge: can anyone find, anywhere, a public apology and admission from Ezra Levant as to how much money he cost the Red Cross based on the above?

Lines are open ...

BONUS TRACK: When I was questioned back in October of 2016 by Ezra's then-lawyer, the subject of matching came up and, despite Ezra knowing about the above and admitting in his Statement of Claim that he had failed to match the entire amount, here is a short exchange between his lawyer and me, wherein his lawyer (asking the question in paragraph 180) simply flat-out, bald-faced lies to me about the matching:

The above claim by Ezra's then-lawyer is simply a lie. Ezra knew he'd failed to match the entire amount, and even admitted to it in his Statement of Claim, so it's not clear why his then-lawyer thought it was a good idea to lie to me about it.


Ezra Levant and SLAPP suits: A CC HQ challenge.

As a number of folks have asked about how Ezra Levant's meritless 2016 SLAPP defamation action against me is progressing, I will say only that things are happening, but here's a time-waster for you if you feel like playing detective.

Back in 2016, after numerous people at Rebel Media bragged at the time about having raised "over $160,000",

it was passing strange how, shortly thereafter, the bragging was quietly re-adjusted to gloat about, well, a lesser amount ...

As you can see, Rebel Obergruppenfuhrer Ezra Levant, after all the money had been collected and turned over, was oddly crowing about having raised a clearly lesser value.

According to my timestamps, that latter screenshot was taken on September 11, 2016 but, for the life of me, I cannot find that article/blog post online anywhere. It looks like a Rebel Media post, but no online search I've run can track it down, so there's the challenge -- can anyone find the article associated with that screenshot somewhere on the Intertoobz?

On more than one occasion, I instructed Ezra's current lawyer to advise her client to stop deleting evidence, and I'm not going to say that's what happened here, but it's not like Ezra to stroke himself so lovingly in public, then delete said stroking afterwards. So there you have it ... can anyone find that article online?

And ... go.

P.S. There will be another challenge shortly.

Oh, SNAP!!

17 seconds of brutal smackdown. All that's missing is a string of pearls and a fainting couch.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Still funny.


This will never get old.

O. M. F. G.

The first three minutes of this YouTube video are gold. Pure gold.


I don't think I will ever tire of this.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Man who deliberately delivered coffee and donuts to truckers flying swastikas will now be outraged by (*checks notes*) Liberals accidentally honouring a Nazi.

Funnier and funnier ...

You know what's coming ... yes, you do ...

Technically, I guess he's right.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

This will never get old.


P.S. This is Donald Trump, openly saying that Gen. Mark Milley should be put to death.

But sure, Ezra, your $3,000 fine for violating election financing laws is important, too.

Saturday, September 23, 2023


Here is ex-Rebeler and DSM-5 exhibit Laura Loomer, auditioning for the position of Mrs. Donald Trump:

Friday, September 22, 2023


It's guilty pleasures time.

List your own guilty pleasure in the comments.


From this week's "Literary ventures that did not age well" files, ...

Tune in next week for Ezra's new book launch, "Jim Jordan, and why he's the future of the Republican Party."

No, Ezra is not being "censored" by the big, bad Liberals.

To no one's surprise, Rebel News Obergruppenfuhrer Ezra Levant is shrieking hysterically about "censorship", and asking for $3.64 million to fight a (*checks notes*) $3,000 fine, which, as I explain back here, was entirely justified.

That is, no one is trying to censor Ezra's utter swill of political illiteracy; the fine in question is because Ezra so clearly violated Section 352 of the Canada Elections Act:

That's it -- Ezra simply failed to properly register as a third party for the purposes of election advertising. This has nothing to do with Ezra's piece of crap book, it's about nothing more than Ezra refusing to play by the rules.

No matter, though -- he'll still rake in tens of millions from the gullible dwonks of Rebel Nation. Let the bucketing begin!

AFTERSNARK: Hilariously, back in late 2021 (Internet Wayback Machine link), Ezra accidentally told the truth about the reason behind the fine that he now describes as "censorship" (that is, the use of lawn signs, not the content of the book itself):

Quite so -- even Rebel News occasionally reports accurately, and the above is exactly the reason for the $3,000 fine, related to Canada Elections Act advertising violations.

And now you know.

We're probably not done here.

WHEREIN TNC THROWS EZRA UNDER A BUS: Amusingly, right-wing media outlet and understaffed sewage treatment plant "True North Centre" (TNC) embarrasses Ezra by (unintentionally, I'm sure) undercutting his entire argument. In a January 2021 article, TNC reports that books (and the promotion thereof) are exempt from the Canada Elections Act:

So books are exempt? Unconditionally? Fully and completely? Well, no, as that very same article, only two paragraphs later, points out the obvious exceptions:

As even someone as intellectually crippled as Lorrie Goldstein can appreciate, the Act offers no protection for "books" that were obviously designed and scheduled to coincide with an election to allow said books to skirt the Act, a fact that even Ezra Levant openly admitted in a November 2021 piece:

Understand what you are reading above -- that would be Ezra Levant, clearly disclosing that the $3,000 fine had nothing to do with "censorship," and everything to do with faking up a book release to coincide with an election, in obvious violation of the Canada Elections Act.

In short, none of this has anything to do with book itself, and everything to do with its sleazy and illegal promotion that was so obviously designed to work as election advertising.

Are we done here? Yeah, I think we're done here.

YEAH, THERE'S MORE: Here's Ezra, just yesterday, lying shamelessly:

I'm not sure how many times one must explain that Ezra was never, ever, ever, ever charged for writing a book; he was charged for violating Canada Elections Act advertising regulations for the way he illegally promoted the book.

Oh, and there's this:

$100,000 (and climbing) to contest a $3,000 fine. At what point are the gullible yahoos and hillbillies of "Rebel Nation" going to realize that they are the marks?

Prediction: Ezra will lose this, as the original ruling was perfectly reasonable, and there are absolutely no grounds to overturn it.

Let's watch.

ANYONE HAVE A LINK TO THE FULL RULING? The link I once had to the original ruling against Rebel News is now dead, but I have two screenshots that show, beyond any doubt, how Der Rebel openly timed the release and promotion of Ezra's piece of swill to coincide with the upcoming federal election:

In short, this case isn't even debatable, but Ezra is likely going to crowdfund another million off of arguing about a $3,000 fine.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

If you're sued for defamation by Ezra Levant ...

... here's a little something you might want to bookmark. Over at this post at the Internet Wayback Machine, this would be serial litigant Ezra Levant, openly gloating about how being the defendant in such an action gives him wildly unfettered access to rummage around in someone's internal documents:

Perhaps something to keep in mind if you're the defendant and Ezra is being difficult in terms of discovery and undertakings.

I'm just trying to be helpful.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Ah, irony.

The only way this tweet could be improved ...

... is if it concluded with, "Their bodies were never found."


Seriously ...

What is your favourite Ben Shapiro moment? I present the time that, to promote Home Depot, he purchased a single board ... and had them wrap it for him:

And there's always this. But make your own recommendations in the comments section.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

It is the 19th of the month, which means it is now exactly 25 months since a Saskatchewan judge told trustee-less undischarged bankrupt, massive debtor and financial fugitive Patrick Ross what he owes me, and cranked up the interest rate on that to a decent investment return of five per cent:

Currently, Patrick is nowhere to be seen, being once again on the run from various authorities and most likely back in Grande Prairie, having closed out his Lloyd credit union account to protect his life savings from further seizure by the Collections Department of the Saskatchewan Sheriffs.

It is unclear how Patrick is making out since the passing of his deluded and enabling remaining parent (father Ken Ross), but there is definitely some activity these days at Casa Ross, with this admittedly unclear late night pic showing a third vehicle in the driveway, sandwiched between the ubiquitous pickup truck on the left, and what seems to be a storage/moving trailer on the right:

My Lloyd-based confidential informants assure me there will be better and clearer pictures in the near future, so we can figure out who's hanging out there.

In the meantime, another month, another several hundred dollars that Patrick owes me, on top of the $25-30,000 he apparently would have to turn over just to get out of bankruptcy (which would not affect the approximately $115,000 he owes me already).

See you a month from today.


Ottawa mayor Mark Sutcliffe admits that being mayor is harder than he thought:

Tamara Lich "Voyage of the Damned" watch.

Given that, out of this collection of hillbillies and cretins:

Tamara Lich is the only one who could even remotely be considered a draw, the first question is -- will she even be allowed into the U.S.?

Based on how her trial goes, even if she does not go to prison, some of the charges are criminal charges and could result in an actual criminal record, which typically makes getting into the United States iffy at best. And if Lich doesn't show, well, Jesus, who's prepared to pay almost double for a cruise when David Menzies is one of the star attractions?

Does the cruise page have any teeny-tiny fine print saying, "Listed celebrities subject to change without notice?"

I'm just trying to be helpful.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Rebel News: None dare call it "gouging."

Regarding Ezra Levant's announced 2024 Voyage of the Damned, here's Holland America's pricing for their premium "Neptune & Pinnacle Suite" (in Canadian dollars):

That's starting at $3,659 (CAD) for 506-590 sq. ft. And here's the delightful markup if purchasing exactly the same room on exactly that same cruise through Der Rebel (price in American dollars, and assuming double occupancy to be generous):

which, at today's exchange rate of 1.382, works out to an almost double $6,625.30 (CAD). (Weirdly, the Rebel-provided room is clearly smaller, listed as 465 sq. ft, whereas the far cheaper Holland America selection starts at 506 sq. ft. You are, apparently, paying almost double the standard Holland America rate for a smaller room so, yeah, have fun with that.

P.S. The typical rationale for the premium price is that you will have the opportunity to hob-nob with at least moderately interesting and accomplished people; sadly, here's your selection of premium talent for the whole seven days:

When David "The Menses" Menzies is one of your announced A-listers, you are in deep fucking trouble.

AFTERSNARK: I have to admit, I have no idea why Tamara Lich would represent any sort of draw that would justify paying way above standard price to hang out with her. Despite being described as a co-organizer of the Freedumb Convoy, what exactly would she have to say that would captivate a listening audience for an extended period of time?

I'm being serious ... once you get past the "I was there, I yelled 'Hold the Line', I got arrested" ... where would the conversation go from there? How many times can you yell "Freedom!" before even your own supporters finally say, "Yeah, yeah, freedom, we get it, give it a fucking rest already. Where's the bar?"