Saturday, March 13, 2010

Let the Canadian Wankerville shrieking begin.

That would be Canada's conservatives, in full dudgeon, frothing furiously over the hilariously blatant conflict-of-interest here, during which a sitting Prime Minister teams with a registered lobbyist to be delightfully selective in what makes it to air and ... and ...

Oh, wait, my bad. It's a Conservative PM that is the recipient of this delicious lobbyist largesse. Sorry. I was just imagining what the reaction would have been if it had been a Liberal Prime Minister. As it is, Canada's wanks are good with that. No problem, nothing to see here, move along.


Anonymous said...

What I like is how the earlier sane comments at the CBC article seems drowned out now by the drooling Conservatard postings... as if the conbots had received marching orders...

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I really wonder about the sanity of the connies....

Read this:
How can Parliament work if the Liberals don't show up?

Wow, the irony....

Anonymous said...

Kady spanks Adrian....

Funny that Adrian wants to consider himself a journalist...

Lindsay Stewart said...

raphelxander macnadrian, cub reporter for the bigot boy times

sooey said...

Kady is punching below her weight, I see. And she probably only weighs 98 lbs.