Friday, December 04, 2009

My right to talk versus your right to shut up and listen.

Courtesy of those impish scamps at The Politic, we learn that Canada's Christians who are perpetually bitching and moaning about how everyone keeps saying uncomplimentary, denigrating and derogatory things about them are massively relieved to learn they are once again free to say uncomplimentary, denigrating and derogatory things about others.

Generic punchline regarding hypocrisy here. I'm sure you can make something up.


Ti-Guy said...

are massively relieved to learn they are once again free to say uncomplimentary, denigrating and derogatory things about others.

Not all others. Just gays, Muslims, and First Nations people. The Jews are still out of bounds.

CC said...

I was going to make that point, but I figured someone else would notice that in short order.

Ti-Guy said...

Because of this judgment, I actually read Boissoin's letter for the first time today and its hatefulness and dishonesty really were astonishing.

I'm convinced something like that lobbed against Jews wouldn't have been treated the same way.

That being said, I've never been concerned about the content as much as having a process for dispute resolution.

Metro said...

Well that's what the HRC's supposed to be for. To provide a mechanism that allows people who can't afford to lawyer up to get their grievances settled.

And in fact, the enormous majority of HRC complaints are settled with a little bit of discussion, rather than dragging court cases.

You're right though. Had this been about Jews no-one could have ignored the historical echoes.