Wednesday, January 14, 2009

That's enough.

Dear Mayor O’Brien, OC Transpo and ATU Local 279:

There aren’t enough words in the English language to adequately convey my complete and utter contempt where you’re concerned, you clueless, ignorant, self-obsessed fuckwits.

As God is my witness, my grandmother is right -- the lot of you should be locked in a room until you straighten this mess out.

Loathingly yours,

P.S. You suck monkey butt. That is all.


Anonymous said...

@ 10:30, those traffic cams don't show any jams...

Maybe it's the cold and people are staying home?
; >

Mike said...


The 417 was closed completely this morning due to about 5-10 accidents blocking the highway in different places.

Hey, Lulu, dija hear? Mayor Larry is going to fix it! He just needs to find 2500 qualified yet unemployeed drivers and mechanics to come in and run our lovely service on a less-than-Sunday-service quality until the union buckles and comes back to the table.

Yeah, that'll show em!

Idiots...they are all friggin idiots.

The Seer said...

In my opinion, Ottawa's current troubles, climatic and otherwise, are evidence of the existence of an imminent God, who is thoroughly pissed at Steverino. If you want the pain to stop, straighten out Parliament.

By the way, to see how it's done, check out Tennessee, where the Democrats in the State House conspired with a Republican turncoat to defeat the will of the people. and

Rev.Paperboy said...

"As God is my witness, my grandmother is right -- the lot of you should be locked in a room with a half dozen hungry wolverines until you straighten this mess out."

fixed your grandmothers tiny omission ;)