Saturday, November 01, 2008

Normally, I'd be annoyed ...

... but it's just the National Post so, really, who gives a fuck? I might come back later and pound Eyre's nads flat with a lump hammer if the motivation arises.

NOT SURPRISINGLY, Canada's stupidest "Roman Catholic Christian" practically creams herself over that rubbish.


Ti-Guy said...

From your link at the Natty Poo:

I first read about The Devil's Delusion in the National Review. Just before his recent death, William F. Buckley found the book to be "everything desirable; it is idiomatic, profound, brilliantly polemical, amusing and of course vastly learned"; and when George Gilder, co-founder of the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, declared it "the definitive book of the millennium," I was hooked in to read it.

And oh my, what an incendiary and provocative landmark it turns out to be.

I just had to stop reading here. The visions of Wayne Eyre dressed up in a wig, Merry Widow, fishnet stockings and pumps while he wrote that just got too traumatic/creepy for me to continue.

Oh, my!

CC said...

Have you ever noticed how every creationist book ever written is initially a provocative, paradigm-shaking, earth-shattering revolution, and eventually turns out to be a putrid, rancid, dishonest, illiterate pile of dog droppings?

Really, the inevitability is quite astonishing.

Dr.Dawg said...

"A retired journalist who lives in Saskatoon."

Wow. When are they going to give equal time to retired union bureaucrats who live in Ottawa? : )

Ti-Guy said...

Have you ever noticed how every creationist book ever written is initially a provocative, paradigm-shaking, earth-shattering revolution, and eventually turns out to be a putrid, rancid, dishonest, illiterate pile of dog droppings?

I might have persisted and finished the column if he hadn't mentionned the Discovery Institute.

Basically, this old ruin is getting tumescent at the equivalent of someone sticking their tongue out "pointed-headed intellekshuals," which is the axis, nadir, alpha and omega of all right wing critique these days.

Which is way the rest of us are objectively superior to them and on their own terms, to boot. Instead of indulging in gassy, dull, formulaic prose to hide the fact that we're just sticking out our tongues, we're efficient and cut right to the chase: "Fuck off, Wayne Eyre, you old fart!"

sooey said...

Yabbut, you can just say back to them, "I was speaking to God today and He told me the He created Darwinism because people were persisting in such stupid theories about Creationism that He thought He should show us the way to enlightenment".

Unknown said...

He lost me at "Discovery Institute", too.

Their endorsement hooked him right in, did it? Right there he told me (I'd never heard of him until now, that I can recall), everything I need to know about his intelligence, perspicacity, insight, education, awareness, and connection to reality.