Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fire. Them. All.



rabbit said...

I'm fucking gob-smacked. When the hell did CC first see the light?

Ti-Guy said...

He hasn't.

And I don't care what bloggers think.

LuLu said...

Since none of us have ever written any posts that were explicitly for or against the HRCs, your comment is hardly relevant, Rabbit. Nice try, though.

Paladiea said...

Yes let's all disband the organization designed to protect the right of everyone!

THAT'S a good idea (to neo-nazis)!

empirecookie said...

These were mere submissions made by a lawyer to a Tribunal. So what? I am sure the other side said that they should be able to scream fire in a crowded theatre. What the lawyers argue isn't important in the end. What's important is what the Tribunal decides. Based on comments the Tribunal made earlier, I seriously doubt it will adopt these submissions. But everyone should keep their hair on until the decision is made.

rabbit said...


Explicitly? Maybe not.

But CC has consistently dismissed those opposing the HRC censorship as whiners.

And when I warned against the dangers of the HRCs being used to suppress criticism of Christianity, he dedicated a blog insulting me.

In his words "Fuck, what a bunch of whiners".