Wednesday, December 12, 2007

If the irony were any thicker, ...

... I could hack off a chunk and club you to death with it:

The first troubling concern I have is that the IPCC is not transparent ... it has firewalled itself off from a world filled with tens of thousands of brilliant, capable minds ...

Um ... thanks, Paul. Because what the world needs more of is Blogging Tories whining about hermetically-sealed, intellectual hiveminds.

Insert your own punchline here.


chris said...

He then goes on to quote Fred Singer.
Several drops of coffee trickle down the screen...

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad they he did not start quoting asswipe Tim Ball - the hero of all deniers...

thwap said...

Deniers used to quote from the politicians' contributions to the IPCC all the time.

The little caveats inserted by oil-industry shills about how all the doom and gloom, page after page, was "speculative."

And then they'd say: "The IPCC says that all this global warming stuff is just theory." and expect you to genuflect before it.

Now that the actual scientists on the IPCC have successfully resisted the politicians' tampering, idiots like this cjunk fellow start bitching about its credentials.

At some point, one just stops listening.

Ti-Guy said...

Paul can out-moonbat the moonbattiest of any moonbat with the flighty and grandiose rhetoric he indulges in to give the impression he's saying something, when he's saying absolutely nothing at all.

I'm not sure, but I think he's alluding to the fact that the documentation underlying climatology is not generally accessible to people who don't understand the science, or that brand of science in any case.

I will happily stand corrected on that point. I tried reading the entire post, but his writing is like impressionist art; look too closely and the whole thing dissolves into a barely comprehensible mess.

Red Tory said...

Bah! You're all just droll scocialists raised in the opulent West. Unlike Paul and his sprout Junker, who toiled away on a pig farm in lower Saxony when they weren't living in an old water tank on a rubbish tip and being woken up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over them.