Saturday, November 11, 2006

"Bipartisanship" as a blunt instrument.

Well ... that didn't last long:

President Bush has pledged to be a bipartisan, consensus builder now that Democrats are to control Congress, and since Wednesday he has made conciliatory gestures. The question now is whether Mr. Bush is ready to junk all of his make-nice pledges in order to keep John Bolton at the United Nations...

.... Mr. Bolton is keen to stay at the helm of the American team at the United Nations, administration officials say, and White House officials, including the legal adviser, Harriet Miers, have been looking into whether Mr. Bush can somehow bypass the Senate and save Mr. Bolton. Administration officials said that Vice President Dick Cheney is backing the exploration of such a move.

Yes, let's do that. Now that the GOP have lost both the House and the Senate and have had their sorry, racist asses kicked all the way back to East Dumbassville, Idaho, what better way to begin the healing than to try an insulting end-run around the Senate?

Please, oh please, try that. The entertainment value alone would be worth it.

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