Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'M piously devout. YOU'RE a religious lunatic.

Via (who else?) Canada's own Crazy-Assed Racist Redneck, we have a link to this delightful bit of religious intolerance. where the caretaker there throws out a financial challenge to, go ahead, prove him (her?) wrong.

Hey, can I play, too? Can I, can I, huh?

I'll put up, oh, what the hell, a billion jillion skillion dollars of my own money for anyone who can prove that Christianity isn't a religion based on fear and terror that condones racism, misogyny, child abuse and wanton, indiscriminate genocide of the innocent, and worships ignorance. (And don't even get me started on the absurdities that are Leviticus and Deuteronomy.)

Don't delay. Call now. The lines are open and cynical operators are standing by to contemptuously dismiss your submissions.

In a purely heterosexual way, of course.


Rosie said...

WHen I link to this article from work it comes up:

"forbidden: HATE SPEECH"


MgS said...

If you can get that nutbar to define "True Religion", it could be amusing...

Anonymous said...

Not just a true religion, a true religion in "an objective way."

What is this guy looking for? Somebody who can call God as a witness?

Anonymous said...

Catholic theology and itmain preacher, Jesus, teach peace and love and tolerance. You know the whole,so unto others bit and then the love thy neighbor as thyself bit... details missed perhaps by the casual observer or the myopic...

Chastize the individuals without stooping to generalizing about the religion. no be a good cynic,get a glass of milk and go to your room to think about what you have done.

CC said...

middleamerica wrote:

"Chastize the individuals without stooping to generalizing about the religion. no be a good cynic,get a glass of milk and go to your room to think about what you have done."

With respect to Catholicism, what part of "misogyny" didn't you understand?