Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dear CBC: They're WINDOWS machines, goddamit!

Listening to a CBC Radio One puff piece on the way back from the gym about how adware and spyware are rapidly overtaking spam as the major problem for "computers" these days, and how IT experts are working hard to protect your "machine" and wrest control of your "system" back from these infestations, and what's missing entirely from this bit of technological idiocy?

Why, the fact that the vast majority of these infected systems are running the security sieve known as Microsoft Windows and that, with my Linux systems, I don't feel particularly nervous these days. But you'd never know that little detail listening to the CBC's Greg Rasmussen, who utterly failed to draw that distinction at any time during the broadcast.

Dear Greg: I'm tired of hearing about "Internet viruses" or "computer viruses." How about calling them what they are for a change: "Windows viruses." And you might even mention that there's an alternative. Now that would be news.

Microsoft Outlook
: A virus-propagation application with e-mail capability.

BONUS TRACK: If you just don't get enough geekiness in your life.

1 comment:

CC said...

Oh, I realize that, with a little effort, Windows systems can be made relatively secure. What gripes my wagger is the reference to "Internet viruses" or "computer viruses" for things that are technically "Windows viruses" or "Outlook viruses" or the like.