Thursday, November 10, 2005

It's always the wrong people who leave, isn't it?

Over at Stageleft, TreeHugger has a nice piece about the loss of one of the few sane and readable CPC bloggers in Canada -- Andrew over at Bound by Gravity.

Sadly, that ignorant, mean-spirited dickwad Anonalogue takes the opportunity to spoil the moment and dump a steaming turd of assholitude in yet someone else's comments section.

I can't help but think of the standard tear-jerking scene from so many war movies, "It shoulda been me, Sarge! Why did it have to be McCloskey? It shoulda been me!"

Yeah, Anonalogue, you weaselly little putz. It really shoulda been you.


CC said...

Writes the weaselly, little putz:

Treehugger sleazily buried a hatchet job in a hagiography; if anyone deserves to be called out it's him. He could've left me out of his post ...

You know, Treehugger never did use your actual name in that post but, I guess when anyone refers to "jealousy, groundless accusations and a shallow prepubescent feminine catty tone," all of us know who they're talking about.

Anonymous said...

"[...] the Anonalogue brand."