Sunday, October 02, 2005

Lesson one: be careful with that sense of humour.

Via Pharyngula, we learn that The Man has no sense of humour. Or critical thinking ability, for that matter.

AFTERSNARK: And wouldn't it have been entertaining if Mr. 90% True had had with him a short list of right wing-based threats of intimidation or outright murder, sort of like this?

He could have countered by asking if the gentlemen in question had any intention of interrogating Rush Limbaugh for advocating killing almost all liberals, or Republican Rep. James Hansen for suggesting assassinating then-President Bill Clinton, or right wing screech harpy Ann Coulter for promoting the idea of blowing up the New York Times building, or ... well, you get the idea. I'll bet those folks never got dragged out of work and browbeaten.

Apparently, it really is all about having connections, isn't it?

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