Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Oh, those fighting Young Republicans.

From a recent episode of "Hardball" (and has there ever been a TV show more laughingly misnamed?), we have the Young America's Foundation's Jason Mattera:

Chris: Would you like to serve in this war?
Jason: I'm fighting the battle for ideas...

I'm guessing that "I'm fighting the battle for ideas" is the new "I have other priorities." Or perhaps, "Yes, I really am such a gutless coward, I just wet myself thinking about it."

I suspect there's a whole bunch of folks overseas who'd rather be fighting the battle for ideas. Well, at least, the ones who aren't dead.

AFTERSNARK: Dear Angry: Are we poor deluded liberals allowed to wonder why a strapping hunk of manhood like Jason Mattera prefers the bravery of being out of range? Or is that, in your opinion, just another tacky, sleazy, classless, ad hominem attack on all those shining conservative principles?

Just asking.

1 comment:

MH said...

Now, now - it's hardly fair to pick on conservatives for this. After all, liberals are usually full of ideas, plans, etc. while poor conservatives have to fight, to fight hard for just one idea. God willing Jason Mattera will win that fight, and have an idea. It would be a nice change, wouldn't it?